Discover deals and tips to help you plan your holiday to Sardinia.
View our suggestions here.
Book your stay in advance and dream of Sardinia
If you book your holiday with us by 31.03.22 you will take advantage of new booking conditions and discounts.
Extend the pleasure of your stay in Sardinia
Enjoy Fior di Sardegna in the most colorful and scented period of the year, discovering our hinterland, booking from May 12th to July 8th and from September 4th to October 29th if you book 7 nights we will gladly offer you one, take advantage of it for a kayak excursion or for a bike ride.
Exclusive only on the official website
The exclusive non-refundable you can amend
If you book the Non-Refundable rate with us, on the official hotel website or with our reservations office, the date of your stay can be changed once within 14 days before arrival. The new stay can be of equal or higher value with integration, but not lower, in the latter case the difference will not be refunded.
Exclusive only on the official website
Project funded by the European Union and supported by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
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